PresidentAndre Sheppard ‘85 Executive Vice-presidentTracie Williams-Algood ‘97 Recording SecretaryVACANT Financial SecretaryKelli Blackmond ‘10 Vice President of Young Alumni RelationsMichael McCullen ‘11 Vice President of Divinity ConcernsRev. Dr. Doris Sanders '10 Vice President of CAPE AffairsVACANT Corresponding Secretary |
HistorianVACANT TreasurerSharon Brown '04 ParliamentarianClaude Jones '82 ChaplainVACANT Regional Vice President of Northeastern NCVivan McCoy '82 Regional Vice President of Western NCTracie Williams Algood '91 Regional Vice President of Northeastern USAmena Haynes ‘02 Regional Vice President of Southeastern USJanet Spry '73 Regional Vice President of Western USJeanette Goza ‘87 |